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Your Name @username ∙ 0m Tweet here, keep it under 280 characters.                        
Your Name @username ∙ 0h Tweet here, keep it under 280 characters.                        
Your Name @username ∙ 0h Tweet here, keep it under 280 characters. We'll just babble a little so this goes over one line and you can see how you'll need to add spaces in front of the retweets.

name @handlehere
Replying to @username
A quoted tweet here.
Your Name Retweeted
Your Name @username ∙ 0h
Tweet here, keep it under 280 characters. We'll just babble a little so this goes over one line and you can see how you'll need to add spaces in front of the retweets.                                        
Your Name @username ∙ 0h Tweet here, keep it under 280 characters.                        
Your Name @username ∙ 0h Tweet here, keep it under 280 characters. We'll just babble a little so this goes over one line and you can see how you'll need to add spaces in front of the retweets.

name @handlehere
Replying to @username
A quoted tweet here.
Your Name @username ∙ 0h Tweet here, keep it under 280 characters.                        
Your Name @username ∙ Mon 00 Tweet here, keep it under 280 characters.                        
Your Name @username ∙ Mon 00 Tweet here, keep it under 280 characters.